Book Review: Not Without You by Stephanie Logue

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Want to know if Not Without You by Stephanie Logue is worth the read? Here’s my full review to help you decide

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Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher/author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Not Without You Info

Author: Stephanie Logue

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5

Where to buy Not Without You


Not Without You Summary

Lou, a high school cross-country running superstar is reeling from a traumatic event in her family. She moves to State on a scholarship, determined to keep two things: her head down and her promise to her mother to never stop running. As Lou builds walls to protect her heart, new acquaintances Annabella and Archer do everything they can to remind Lou what real friendship looks like. But when Lou is finally comfortable in her new friendships, and ready to move forward, an event shakes the friend group to their core, sending Lou down an all-too-familiar spiral. Will Lou choose her friends, or will she keep running?

Not Without You Review

When I chose to sign up for this ARC, I chose it because it’s a book about best friends and I am a person who loves my best friends more than anything in the world. 

I thought this book was going to be an easy fun light read. Boy, I was wrong on that.

This was the first sentence of the book. I mean I knew books should start with a great hook but this was intense.

To be frank the first half of this book was very hard for me to read because as I read Lou going through her pain and anguish and how she chose to numb the pain triggered me. 

Because I did the same things she did when I was going through some hard times and now that I am older it pains me to see someone so young doing the same thing because I don’t want another person to feel what I felt and the regret that comes with it.

I am so happy that this book addresses how when dealing with mental health you need to talk to a professional and how some methods may not work for you and you would need to test them out before finding one that is suitable for you. 

It was also important to me how mental health was dealt with in this book which in my mind the author did an awesome job. I liked how Lou’s therapist reminded her that to help and love others to the best of her capability, Lou must first love herself because at one point in the book Lou, in my opinion, became almost too dependent on Annabella and Archer.

What made me love this book though was how the author portrayed the friendship between Annabella, Lou and Archer and how deep the bond is. 

The ending made me cry because it reminded me of my own best friend especially when Lou was comforting Annabella. Sometimes it’s not what they say that matters or how they say things, what matters most in a friendship is the fact that you’re there for them flaws and all. 

So, I most definitely recommend this book. Trigger warning for anxiety, suicide, and death and the like that goes with it.

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